We are glad to announce you that HD is organizing a special event for the Valentine’s day week end. We want to celebrate it together with lgbt, friends and family community.
You can wait for our invitation, or you can write us for registration to the address haide.hd@gmail.com. See you soon!
January 16, 2008
Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day together!
6:17 PM
Tags: events, valentine's day
January 2, 2008
A safe spiritual space ...
Representatives of Moldovan LGBT community have lived a new experience: one of a safe spiritual space.In order to achieve that, we have invited guests long ago to come visit us, made plans and gave them a thoughtful attention, then organized a meeting with presentations and discussion, sharing our experiences and concerns, hopes and sorrows.
This event brought together members of lgbt community from Moldova and other countries, community friends and partner organizations. It was organized by the HD initiative group, with the support of foreign lgbt Christian groups.
We went even farther: we have celebrated the Holy Communion together. We have celebrated God’s love for us. We have celebrated our love for each other and our same sex unions, which are blessed and accepted in front of God, just like David and Jonathan’s union, or Ruth and Naomi’s. These were blessed to have each other and to share their feelings, and they are a blessing for us today and other people during the history:
Ruth said: "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me."
This wording that has been traditionally used by heterosexual couples as wedding wav, is in fact one made by a women to another one!
So it was: there were two women, loving each other and willing to have a blessing over their relationship. And since they really wanted that, the opportunity occurred, according to their wish.It doesn’t matter they had to travel a day and night to get to the place, and it doesn’t mean that God’s love have to be looked somewhere far in a distance, no. It’s just like always, people are the ones who are opposing it, but also people are the ones to make it shine over all the disappointments and despair.
And since there is a group of people who committed themselves to make this happen, it did.On the 9th of December 2007 we had a blessing ceremony over a women couple and it was just wonderful!
This is to let us all know, that we just need to dare for more, knock at the Heaven’s doors and they will open, just like it happened that incredible week end.You can join us! You are welcome.
P.S. Definitely this first attempt to create a safe spiritual space for representatives of lgbt community of Moldova was a successful one, according to the number of participants, the special atmosphere, and the outcomes of the event.
It took place on 8th and 9th of December 2007 and intended to anticipate Christmas.We say it was just on time, in order to create the holiday atmosphere.
We want to express our gratitude to all people who contributed to the implementation of this project!
It became a reality first of all thanks to implication of Open Church of Norway, represented by Gard Nielsen and Tora Loland, and the participation of Metropolitan Community Churches’ representative in Eastern Europe Florin Buhuceanu.
We also want to thank our guests and participants we had the pleasure to have at the celebration.
With respect and best wishes,
HD team.
11:42 PM